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In order to reach the truth, seeking knowledge was the main method that was developed. The central questions which came about on the theory of gaining knowledge is, “what is knowledge and how do we get it and what can I know?” In Webster’s dictionary Knowledge has been defined as “to have clear perception, the manner or condition of knowing”. But then knowing or to know has been defined as to be “to perceive with certainty, to understand, to be aware of, and most important of all not to be doubtful.”Which indicates, if we are to gain knowledge or to say we know the truth then we can not have any doubt on the particular subject. But can we ever then say all that we know all our knowledge that we claim to have is without a doubt. If so how did we come to that conclusion, what method we have used to derive to that conclusion. What happens if the tools we have used in order to come to that conclusion is not reliable, then can we have faith in our knowledge. For example lets take an apple, now if asked how do we know it is an apple. People without a doubt will say because I see it, which in turns implies that I see the shape, the color of the apple. And from previous experience it tells me that is how apple looks like, the appearance of it. Now lets say we have designed an object with some kind of material like wax or clay, which has the same appearance like the apple. Then can you claim to have true knowledge about that apple, which appeared to be an apple. So we can conclude appearance to do always seem to signify the truth ...

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