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(C# 11.3) 2.The Grand Dragon was the leader of an entire State. (C# 11.3) 3.The Grand Goblin is a regional director in charge of a domain.4.The Exalted Cyclops is the president of a local chapter. (C# 11.2) 5.The Klabee is the treasurer at all levels C.The early years of the Klan were vicious and out of control the U.S. Government couldn’t even stop them. 1.The KKK was one of the first terrorist groups. 2.The Klan soon had over 3000 people, it started spreading throughout the south like a mad fire, raging out of control. (C#1.2)3.Klan members, who believed in white superiority, soon began to terrorize blacks to keep them from voting. (C#1.3)4.Federal troops were being withdrawn from southern states. The KKK was unstoppable and uncontrollable. They became so uncontrollable and violent that the Grand Wizard of the Klan, former Confederate general Nathan B. Forrest, officially disbanded the Klan in 1869. II.1915 to 1944A. Like It’s early days, from 1915 until around 1921 the Ku Klux Klan went through a lot of changes and a huge growth in membership.1.In 1915 the name, rituals, and some of the attitudes of the original Klan were adopted by a new fraternal organization incorporated in Georgia. The official name of the new society, was Invisible Empire, Knights of the Ku Klux Klan (C#12.6)2.After World War I, the Klan grew in urban areas and active in many states. (C#15.2)3.The Klan spread rapidly throughout the nation terrorizing public officials and blacks to try to prevent them from voting, or holding Political office as they had done in the past. After 1921 it experienced a growth in membership (3 million). (C# 15.3)B. Despite the large growth, the depression had a great affect on the Klan, it lost significant numbers due to the cost of being a member.1.During the economic depression ...

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