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juveniles or adults

With the increasing large amount of crimes being committed by juvenile’s, official are trying to come up ways to prevent these crimes from ever happening. More and more teens are committing crimes because they know they can get away with because of their age, especially in gangs. We should understand that teens are getting smarter. Teens know how far they can go before they really get themselves into some trouble they can’t get out of. That’s when we start trying them juveniles as adults. Sometimes we also need to be reminded that we are deal with are young people who have yet to gain an understanding of the real world. But maybe since kids are maturing much faster these days, we should take that into consideration. In my opinion I think we need to do away with the juvenile court system. We should take cases of teens one at a time and try to understand if the know what they have done was wrong, if so they should be punished as adults. And in doing that we can eliminate punishing those who have done something they know is wrong and not realized what the consequences were.These days’ teens are becoming much smarter than we think. We are underestimating their capabilities to get things done. There was an indecent that happened in mid September of 1997 involving a seventeen-year-old Samual Sheinbein. Samual Sheinbein is being charged with murder but the whole problem is that he is over in Israel were he is hiding out and claiming citizenship. He fled the country before anybody knew what happened. They now have figured out that Samual Sheinbein financed this whole thing got a hold of passports arranged for places to stay all by himself.(N.Zuckerbrod) This example really doesn’t show anything than what kids these days are capable of. Gangs are another example of how smart teens can be. Gangs are recruiting teens at an earlier age. Gangs know that the judicial system is a lot easier going on kids ...

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