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Justice: Conservative Theories “The socialist society would have to forbid capitalist acts between consenting adults,” was said by Robert Nozick in Anarchy, State, and Utopia. By this, Nozick tries to contrast the actions of capitalists in a free market society againstthe actions of a socialist society. Basically he questions, what stops someone fromgoing above and beyond to acquire what he or she desires rather than needs. In a capitalist society, a citizen can can use private means of production for personalprofit or even work overtime for the extra money to acquire things in which they want.He uses the Chamberlain example to display this saying that he can play more basketball to get more money from admission percentages and thus acquire things beyondthose things that are assumed to be his needs. In a socialist society, the distribution ofgoods is theoretically equal to all, so what stops one from using what they have to acquireadditional things? Well in Mozick’s eyes, nothing can. And that is why he says, unlessthe socialist system forbids those actions that differentiate people in economic status (capitalist action), just by sheer desire, people will venture off to the private sector to acquire more wealth. He supposes that a capitalist society will naturely develop out of the ashes of an unsuccessful socialist society unless prevailing rules against the actions are implemented. It is the instinct of human nature to want things that are considered worldly says Nozick. And without the limitations of a strict socialistsystem i.e. communism in the USSR, the private sector will eventually rise above thepublic sector for the purpose of achieving more personal wealth....

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