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just war

On August 2nd, 1990 the first Iraqi tanks crossed into Kuwait, as part of an invasion that marked the start of a six-month conflict between the These tanks were ordered to invade Kuwait by SaddamHussein, the ruthless dictator of Iraq. The Iraqi troops looted Kuwaitibusinesses and brutalized Kuwaiti civilians. Saudi Arabia began to fearthat they may be invaded as well, and on August 7th they formally askedPresident Bush for US assistance. The US pledged to defend the Saudis, andto remove the Iraqis from Kuwait. Great masses of troops from manydifferent nations were deployed in the Persian Gulf area. At 4:30 PM EST onJanuary 16, 1991, the first aircraft with orders to attack Iraqi targetswere launched from Saudi Arabia, marking the beginning of Operation DesertStorm.Dictators like Mr. Hussein cannot be allowed to take advantage of smallercountries like bullies after lunch money. There has to be someone to stopthem, or they will gain more and more power and land, just as Adolf Hitlertried to do in World War II. That someone, in the case of Mr. Hussein, wasthe United States, along with a multinational coalition. The US had justcause in entering a war against Iraq because of Iraq's invasion of thesmall and defenseless nation of Kuwait. Actions such as that must berepulsed. Iraq had no just cause in invading Kuwait; their reasons wereeither obscure or for their benefit. The US had to help Kuwait regain theirnation.In protecting the Saudis from invasion and removing the Iraqis from Kuwaitthe US had the right intention. The real reason the US decided to fight theIraqis was to restore Kuwait's government and to defend Saudi Arabia. Therewas no underlying reason, such as to receive better prices on oil or tomake the Kuwaitis indebted to the US so as to receive favors. Throughoutthe war, the US made clear their purpose and intent in fighting the Iraqis,and not once did they stray from it.Legitimate authority was established when the Congress v...

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