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john coultrane

On September 15, 1957, John Coltrane recorded “Blue Train”, an album he considered his favorite, and many critics considecontributes to the sound. Coltrane provides listeners with an impressive r his best work. The album’s rhythm Chambers finishes up with a bass solo before the opening statement is repeated, bringing the song to a full circle by its end. The next song is “Moment’s Notice” which is also swung and in 4/4. This song played at a faster pace and has a catchy melody that becomes rather complex as the whole band solo on sax followed by the trombone and trumpet solos. Paul Chambers then begins his bowed bass solo with the piano comping in the back. Drew finishes the solos on the piano before the song closes.“Locomotion” is an up tempo blues song in 4/4 that begins with a brief drum intro. The saxophone begins the solos with a walking bass line in the back and the piano playing on the top. Curtis Fuller solos on the trombone with the drums in the back. There is a pause in the back when the trumpet begins soloing, and shortly after the drums and bass return behind the trumpet’s sound. Kenny Drew’s piano solo starts and leads to Philly Joe on the drums. Philly Joe Jones uses a mixture of loud and soft, as well as fast and slow beats to create a dynamic effect. Throughout all the tracks, no horn instruments play at the same time and the drums, bass, and piano, are shuffled around to play in the back. The song then returns to the melody before coming to an abrupt ending reminiscent of the stopping of a locomotive.“I’m Old Fashioned” is the only track on the album that is not originally done by Coltrane. This song has a warm and slow pace, and feels almost like a waltz. The time signature seems to be 2/4 and swung. This song exemplifies the way the band is able to adapt with tunes set in any tempo. Coltrane starts the solos with a soft sax...

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