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Not one living thing in the forest exists on its own. Every plant and animal depends on other plants and animals for food, protection, shelter, and reproduction. Since plants and animals depend on each other i8n hundreds of different ways, it seems that nothing in the forest is wasted.The Northern Forests, 45degrees- 66 and 1 half degrees N, are north and south of the Arctic Circle, in Canada, Alaska, Northern Europe, Northern Asia, and North America, stretched on a band 1200 miles wide. In the Northern Forests there are 10- 40’’ of precipitation and the soil is infertile. There are 9 month winters, long periods of darkness, really cold conditions (down to –40 degrees Fahrenheit) with the moisture locked up as snow or ice. Conifers are the dominant plants in the Northern Forest also known as evergreens, which keep their leaves all year and produce seeds in exposed cones. Conifers are the only major trees adapted to the marginal conditions. They are often seen triangular. Instead of having leaves, conifers have needles, which breathe for the tree through microscopic holes.The population of animals is sometimes not reduced because of the predator, but is because of humans hunting the predators, letting the prey over populate and starve. One example would include the wolf getting hunted for their fur causing either the deer or other animals to eat all of their food in that area and stave. That is an example of a predator prey situation (interdependent relationship) also with symbiosis, commensilism, mutualism, parasitism and competition as of her independent relationships. The Northern Forests community matches the climax community because of the area and environment is perfect for the trees, plants, animals and life....

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