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island with alcohol

The staff has no formal training, but after the system instillation we plan to train the employees on the new system.2. I review all procedures before they leave the office.3. Yes, I will need the access to check employees work progress as well as review and look for errors.4. The present system is inadequate and slow. The new system should increase information sharing, cut down on errors, and increase productivity.5. The information sharing aspect of the system could be improved. The new system will allow this.6. I feel the new system will save on average 80 hours per week. This is equivalent to the hours that would have been covered by two new employees.7. My computer skills are very good. I have taken various classes and would rate myself an 8.Fred Brown-1. Yes, all calculations are documented and are on file.2. The system should allow for changes and printing of checks.3. I will need access to employee records and bank records of the company. 4. I would computerize it so that less errors would happen and the process could be speed up.5. I have very limited experience, I would require some training.6. Yes, the samples are stored along with the calculations.Susan Gifford-1. The records are kept in filling cabinets in the office.2. I would like to have a form on the screen that listed fields that I could fill in.3. I have typing experience but would require training before using the new system.4. I will need access to only the patient records.5. Yes, but they are hard to read and I would like to change them.Tom Cappaletti-1. I would like to have a system that is able to store as billing information as well as print bills and related forms.2. I handle all billing.3. Yes, all of the documentation is stored in my office on file.4. I will need access to billings as well as access to bank accounts to monitor if bills have been paid to the company’s account.5. I am very computer literate. I majored in Math and have taken many compute...

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