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is theism rational

It is believed by many that there are no really sound arguments for the existence of a God or Creator. The believers in God would argue that there is no need to use reason to defend their position on god and that their beliefs and faith are reason enough to believe. These people that have a strong belief in a God would be considered theists. Now that we know theists have a belief in something without evidence and reason to support it, that would bring me to my next question. Is theism rational?First we have to consider what theism means. Theism is defined as a belief in the existence of a divine reality. It also covers that the existence and continence of the universe is owed to a Supreme Being. So that God exists outside and separate from the realm of the human world, as we know it. Reason would say that there is not enough evidence to support this and Ockham’s razor would say to cut this off because science has answered most of the questions about existence for us. But still most of the world’s population believes that a God exists. To say that there is no evidence for theism would be wrong. Over time there have been many arguments that have arose to try and show the existence of a perfect being outside the human realm. The evidence for theism is held in many arguments such as the ontological argument, cosmological argument, and the teleological argument to name some. The ontological argument was brought about buy some famous religious philosophers like St. Anselm. The ontological argument shows that god is a perfect being, there is none greater. God is all positive characteristics to an infinite degree. So all great characteristics come from god and Gods non-existence would be impossible. There were arguments against this also. Gaunilos criticism said that the idea of a perfect god would just as easily prove the idea of a perfect island, and that that doesn’t mean a perfect island actually exists....

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