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Main issue of this paragraph is internet and the relations between human being and internet. So, it was wanted to describe the internet by using words specific windows. Windows are useful for us to watch the panorama of the world at the outside of our homes, and internet is also a kind of window that shows not only the outside of our homes, also the whole world that we can not see by our house windows. So we can say that internet is a big window for us, the specific one.Internet was found nearly thirty years ago, but it had became popular as now, in last ten years part. One of the revolutionizing inventions of this century are computer and internet. Nowadays they are accessory indispensable in everyones life. Who has not used any of them before? They are used everywhere, from banks, companies and industries to restaurants, schools and hospitals. But do you know that computers are more used for the internet, and the other amazing thing is that, nowadays one third of the world has access to internet. I consider the internet as a revolution. Well, why the internet is so popular? It is because in internet there is no obstacles between you and all the other world. By the window internet, now humans can reach everything and everywhere in the world which they can not learn anything about it without internet. This can cause human to believe to be potentially everywhere, and everywhere to be in human.Internet is a kind of world and you can join into this world via any computer and modem. And in this world there is no rule, you can do whatever you want, naturally of course in the limits that the owners of internet allow. In internet there are some secret rules and indefinite ways that you must go on it or have to follow it. You think that you are free and independent in this world but you are not. You are followed by the owners of this world. I have read that USA government can easily read anyones private emails and reach his personal computer...

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