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Assignments for chapters 5 and 6 I would recommend upgrading the whole system to a fast 100Base-x. The reason for this is that it would allow for faster ethernet and more communication options.5-2I would recommend using a FDDI ring to link all four research centers. They could then use synchronous communication to rapidly send information to each center.5-3FDDI token passing differs from standard token passing because many tokens can be sent at the same time. A FDDI ring sends a token to a node, and if that node does not need it, it sends it to the next node.5-4I would recommend ISDN because of the amount of information that can be transmitted in ISDN and the speeds that they can be transmitted at. 5-6There are many ways to connect via ISDN. One way that I would recommend would use Broadband ISDN which would allow a transfer rate of 155Mbps.5-7ISDNVoice, data, videoATMVoice, data, videoSMDSLarge image files, architectural drawingsSONETVideo, sound, graphicsX-25Sound, data6-1I would recommend using MAUs to connect all the nodes because they are relatively easy to set up and maintain.6-7GatewaysApplication, presentation, sessionEnables two different types of software to communicateRoutersNetworkLearning, filtering, forwarding of informationBridgesData linkLearning, filtering, forwarding of informationATM switchesNetwork, data linkHigh speed cell switching of voice, video, and data informationMAUsData link, physicalConnects workstations in a logical ring through a physical star topology6-8I would recommend putting in gateways and ATM switches because they can work with different types of software and hardware....

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