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industrialization effects on human being

Every human being has the need to share his happiness or his sad moments with other people, and especially with his close persons such as his family or his friends , because these are the groups of people who are really close to him and these are the only people who really can understand him and give him their help Unfortunately, as society industrializes, family and friends keep off from each other and that’s why people spend more hours in work. Nowadays, workis taking our lives, invading our homes, and generally keep people far away fromtheir close persons. In a very real sense almost all people are working two or three part-timers to survive. There’s the work people do for a living ,the work for themselves , plus the combination of housework and care giving. Simultaneously, the old line between work and private life is vanishing. Work has become a form of `home` and home has become `work`. Many people now see their jobs as `more appreciative ,personal sort of social world`comparedtheir homes. People don’t have time either for themselves or their friends and family. We all have realized that families face problems due to lack of time.rarely have lunch or dinner together, rarely they talk about their problems.especially , children face difficulties because they don’t have the opportunity to talk about the new things they face every day and they don’t have anyone close to them in order to explain them how world works. While one parent used to work forty hours a week outside home, now parents often have a combined eighty hour work-week. To make things more specific we can imagine how we might felt if one of our mates had a serious accident , or a serious disease and we didn’t manage to tell him how much we loved him or that we had regretted all the times we could be there with him and we weren’t. So ,what we loose is obvious and simultaneously painful ;we lose ...

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