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human bpm

EFFECTS OF EXERCISE ON A HUMAN HEART RATE PURPOSE: To determine the amount of time it takes your heart to get back to a normal beat after a minute of exercise. HYPOTHESIS: If I excursus for one minute on a stationary bike, then I think that your heart rate will increase dramatically. Because the harder you work your body, the faster the blood needs to take the oxygen to the cells. Thus, making your heart rate increase. Then as your body cools down, your heart rate will decrease because your cells are not in as much need as oxygen as they were before.PROCEDURE:1.Gather materials.2.Set timer on stationary bike to 1 min.3.Take heart rate for 1 minute before exercising.4.Ride the bike for 1 min. as hard as you can until the timer goes off.5.Take your heart rate for 1 minute as soon as you get off the bike.6. Repeatedly take your heart rate every minute until it is back to your original starting rate.7.Record data into chart.MATERIALS:1 stationary bike1 stop watch1 pencil1 hand to take pulseCONCLUSION: After testing the variables, I have come to the conclusion that after exercising for one minute, it takes approximently 2 minutes to get your heart beating at a normal rate again. I have found that after a minute of exercising, your heart rate doubles from its original heart rate. Then it slowly goes back down to a normal rate. My results proved my hypothesis correct that, if I excersise for one minute on a stationary bike, then I think that your heart rate will increase dramatically. Because the harder you work your body, the faster the blood needs to take the oxygen to the cells. Thus, making your heart rate increase. Then as your body cools down, your heart rate will decrease because your cells are not in as much need as oxygen as they were before. I don’t think that I could make any improvements to the lab other then taking more results over a longer period of time....

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