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how to do a speech

To answer this question I will use three types of speeches. Of those three types of speeches I will create three speeches to give. The speech formats that I will use are speeches to entertain, speeches to inform, and speeches to persuade. For my speech to entertain, I will talk about my life. For my speech to inform, I will talk about drums. For my speech to persuade, I will talk about how television violence has negative effects on children. To organize my speech to entertain, I would start by making an outline to go by. On the outline, I would separate into groups the most important parts of my life. The first group of my life that I would talk about is about me growing up and where I lived. The second group I would talk about is my interests and hobbies. The last thing I would talk about is my life right now. I would also include an introduction and a conclusion. In order to better help the listeners to visualize what I am talking about, I would bring pictures of things that have to do with my life. I would also make an overhead with the outline on it so they could follow along with the speech better. I would be sure to move around and use hand gestures to make points more clearly. This would also hold the interest of the listeners better. I think this format would be helpful to my listeners because it is very organized, and it includes many things to hold their interest. To organize my speech to inform, I would again start by making an outline. To start off, I would begin by explaining the basic parts of a drum set and what they do. I would then explain who makes the parts of the drums and cymbals. Next I would talk about how drums and cymbals are made. I would then explain what they are made of. I would again use an introduction and a conclusion. My visual aid that I would use would be an overhead containing the basic parts to a drum set. This would be so the listeners could see what I was talking about. ...

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