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From Hitler’s rain of terror came the Holocaust and the extermination of the Jews. It began with the first assault against the Jews to the beginning of ghettoization to Hitler’s plan to exterminate the Jews; and then the Nuremberg laws. The horror of the holocaust can never be justified. Hitler was to blame for this act against Humanity. After the boycott of Jewish business came the laws and views that deprived the Jews of their personal benefits and livelihood. The reason of the boycott was that Jews weren’t from Aryan decent, as the German population seems to be. There were two laws passed: 1) the law for the Restoration of the Professional Civil Service and 2) the law against the Overcrowding of German Schools and the Institutions of Higher Learning. With these laws the Jews that served in the war where allowed exception. This law divided the Jews who served in the army and proved themselves to the German people and those Jews who didn’t serve in the war. The number of Jews was one hundred thousand, or one in six Jews of the population that served during the war. Of those who didn’t serve in the war; their children were not allowed to attend school. Those Jews who did serve intermarried; their children were allowed to attend school. When the Nuremberg laws were passed in 1935 everything changed. The fall of 1933 announced the expulsion of the Jews from the 3rd Reich. Jewish guilds were crushed. The Orthodox Jews will not want it and will not listen to us. They will suffer and go hungry rather than defile themselves by eating meat slaughtered by the method decreed by the wicked ones….. The Jews of Germany must stand up to the trail for the sake of our holy law. We must show the entire world that we are ready to sacrifice ourselves for the sanctity of Israel… (Witness to the Holocaust, 1997, p. 19)The Jews stood up to their beliefs and were going to sacrifice themselves for ...

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