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hitlers anti semetic policy

History essay Hitlers Anti semetic party Natasha Mays There are several reasons as to why the Nazi Anti-semetic policy developed as it did between 1933 and 1939. We are going to look at some of the main ones to try and understand Hitlers aims and ideas and wether or not they worked.Despite Hitler's inferiority, he came across as a saviour for Germany. He was a charismatic leader and people could identify with his dream to re-establish Germany as a great power. He was a good orator and deliberately built up the emotion of the crowd. Those close to him admired him and believed he was not mad, for example, his secretary saw him as a friendly, polite, charming man and the German people loved him also. They worshipped him and hung his portrait in their homes. His obsession with racial purity and barbaric actions confirm that he was so obviously insane but due to his forceful personality he was able to get away with it. The National Socialist German Workers Party almost died one morning in 1919. Itnumbered only a few dozen grumblers. It had no organization and no political ideas. But many among the middle class admired the Nazis' muscular opposition to the Social Democrats. And the Nazis themes of patriotism and militarism drew highly emotional responses from people who could not forget Germany's prewar imperial grandeur. In the national elections of September 1930, the Nazis garnered nearly 6.5 million votes and became second only to the Social Democrats as the most popular party in Germany. In Northeim, where in 1928 Nazi candidates had received 123 votes, they now polled 1,742, a respectable 28 percent of the total. The nationwide success drew even faster... in just three years, party membership would rise from about 100,000 to almost a million, and the number of local branches would increase tenfold. The new members included working-class people, farmers...

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