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Hazing to Beat or not to Beat Hazing has been known as the right of passage into American colleges in the past and even still today. Primarily in fraternities hazing has been more so a problem than any other organization. “Most anyone who’s seen the classic college movie “Animal House” can recall this famous seen of young Kevin Bacon’s paddling during his fraternity pledgeship. In this context, the lines and scenes of hazing are funny to some people; but for others, hazing is an all-too-real problem”(Wolf 1). The definition, application, and the prevention of hazing have been on going problems in past years and are still, in some areas problems.The definition of hazing is to harass by exacting unnecessary or disagreeable work. The definition as it is, seems to be too vague and has too many loop holes which can lead to unforeseen consequences. If the definition were to read: any act that endangers the mental or physical health or safety of a student, or that destroys or removes public or private property, for the purpose of initiation, admission into, affiliation with, or as a condition for continued membership in a group or organization. The definition would cover more ground and leave less room probable mishaps. The definition of hazing needs to be further researched and applied. “In light of all of this, though, psychologists say that hazing rituals have positive effects as well. Betsy Wagner reports that studies have shown that such rituals strengthen the group by proving devotion and helping to create a sense of belonging and loyalty”(“Defining” 1).Betzwieser 2If the definition is applied further in the means of consequences; the hazing would affect the pledges as well as the actives. These consequences, when applied to the actives, would deter from further hazing practices. These consequences would have to be as severe as 180 days up to two years in jail and $1,000 to ...

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