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Gun Control1

E-mail: Gun Control Gun control is an action of the government that is supposed to reduce crime. Congress has passed many laws on this subject and there really has not been an effect. Guncontrol has been a controversial issue for years, but the citizens of the United States have a rightto own guns and the Constitution states that. On the government's path to control guns theycreated the Brady Act. Handgun Control Incorporated is the major organization for lobbying, andintroducing legislation on gun control. It is headed by Sarah Brady, wife of former White HousePress Secretary James Brady. James Brady was shot during an attempt on President Reagan's lifein 1981. Sarah is the one responsible for introducing this bill. This bill was supposed to stopcriminals from obtaining guns. If an individual wants a firearm bad enough, chances are they willget one (Brennen and Polsby). All it does Is prevent honest people from being able to purchaseguns. The person purchasing the gun has to wait for two week while the government performs abackground check. The problem with this is it stops the average citizen from purchasing a gun onthe whim, while it protects the common criminal. What if a burglar enters a house with fullintention to maim or kill? The innocent victim can not get a gun to protect his family because hewas arrested seven years ago for drunk driving (Larson). According to the General AccountingOffice, in the first seventeen months of the law's existence only seven criminals were convicted forattempting to buy a handgun. Banning more and more guns may reduce gun violence, but it willnot eliminate guns from society and will only lead to more and bigger problems. While continuingto take more freedom away from the American people. Gun control laws do not prevent little kidsfrom using guns and harming people. Violent video games help children with their marksmanshipand to get over their fear of shooting someone. Parent...

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