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government stuff

1.Explain constitutional monarchy a.How does it differ from Great Britain? b.What is unique about the monarchy? c.What has king Juan Carlos done for politics in the current Western Europe? Define Spain’s role in NATO.a.What is the role it plays in foreign policy?b.What was the most crucial event in the transition of the dictatorship to a democracy?3. Define the pillar system, pillarism.4. How did this effect the alignment of politics in the U.N. and what parties do I feel pillarization has had and what parties fill the void?5. What is the Dutch foreign policy dealing with the involvement in Nato and all other international organizations?Answers1. A constitutional monarchy serves as a symbol for international relations, deals with judicial and legislative matters, and is expected to attend social or cultural affairs. The king revises all the countries political issues because he must countersign everything before it can be valid. He may dissolve parliament, or hold elections when advised by the government to do so.The monarchy of Spain and Great Britain have basically the same job but with a few differences. The monarchy pf GB serves as more of a symbol for the country unlike in Spain where the king takes a more active role in government. In Spain the monarchy plays a unique role as the commander of the military and may enforce executive orders. In GB this job is given to the head of state. King Juan Carlos has pushed very hard for Spain to take on a more democratic role of government. He performs the ceremonial duties of the head of state and plays a fundamental role in the preservation of the democratic Spain. This governmental leader Wants to better Spain. He keeps on top of everyday political events and constantly reminds the armed forces of their duties under the constitution.2.Spain’s joined in NATO for social and governmental benefits. While Spain was looking to become a democratic society the western influence woul...

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