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*Runaway Bride* (PG) -- a top notch romance comedy with a few stains. I understand that it seems somewhat odd that a PG movie would earn a CAPCon Alert red light, but I did not write the movie nor do we use or recognize the MPAA rating system. If the script writers had left out the booze, drinking and drunkenness, this movie would have earned a yellow light.Staring Richard Gere and Julia Roberts, *Runaway Bride* was a top notch romance comedy with a few stains -- a good example of a movie that can be greatly improved by playing it from video tape through a Curse Free TV filter ( were seven instances of unacceptable language (the kind the MPAA calls conversational snippets) and two instances of God's name in vain without the four letter expletive. Once the language is filtered out, *Runaway Bride* might be a really good snuggle romance comedy for mom and dad, but...There were several issues unacceptable for younger audiences. Some sexually oriented comments, some from a grandmother might make mom or dad squirm a little if their children are with them when they see it. Gere dressed from bed in front of Roberts. On a good note, there was NO NUDITY in this show. But it included several bar scenes and scenes of drinking alcoholic beverages. A comment "I'll kill myself" from Roberts was another thing that could have been left out without loss of power.Please remember that just because a movie is a good one does not excuse the unacceptable programing. So many of our visitors seem to be relying only on this Summary/Commentary for a full accounting of the subject movie. This is not possible. For the best representation of the CAP Entertainment Media Analysis Model applied to this movie, visit the Findings/Scoring section below....

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