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george bush

With this issue of the New Federalist, Vol. V, No. 39, we begin toserialize the book, "George Bush: The Unauthorized Biography," by WebsterGriffin Tarpley and Anton Chaitkin. This book will soon be published by"Executive Intelligence Review".At the heart of any effort at biography is the attempt to discover theessence of the subject as a human personality. The essential character ofthe subject is what the biographer must strive to capture, since this isthe indispensable ingredient that will provide coherence to the entirestory whose unity must be provided by the course of a single human life.During the preparation of the present work, there was one historical momentwhich more than any other delineated the character of George Bush. Thescene was the Nixon White House during the final days of the Watergatedebacle. White House officials, including George Bush, had spent themorning of that Monday, August 5, 1974 absorbing the impact of Nixon'snotorious "smoking gun" tape, the recorded conversation between Nixon andhis chief of staff, H.R. Haldemann, shortly after the original Watergatebreak-in, which could now no longer be withheld from the public. In thatexchange of June 23, 1972, Nixon ordered that the CIA stop the FBI fromfurther investigating how various sums of money found their way from Texasand Minnesota via Mexico City to the coffers of the Committee to Re-Electthe President (CREEP) and thence into the pockets of the "Plumbers"arrested in the Democratic Party headquarters in the Watergate building.These revelations were widely interpreted as establishing a "prima facie"case of obstruction of justice against Nixon. That was fine with George,who sincerely wanted his patron and benefactor Nixon to resign. George'sgreat concern was that the smoking gun tape called attention to amoney-laundering mechanism which he, together with Bill Liedtke ofPennzoil, and Robert Mosbacher, had helped to set up at Nixon's request.When Nixon, in the "sm...

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