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frederick douglas to thomas jefferson

Jefferson: Throughout much of my life I was a slave to the white man. I was, however, luckier than most. I was able to become a freeman, and have since dedicated my life to the abolition of slavery and oppression in this country. This oppression lives on because of the hypocritical nature in which this country’s founding fathers, including you, outlined their independence. Many times throughout your most patriotic document, The Declaration of Independence, you contradict yourself and the ideas that are presented. It appears that the ideals you present are only for those with a white skin such as yours. All other people, for example the American Negro, are not even considered people in your white wigged world. We are only property to be bought and sold accordingly, with no regard for our families, friends, or personal beliefs. These are aspects of life that you and I both fought for, but are reserved only for you. To begin with, in your Declaration of Independence you state, “…that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness. – That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed.”Although this statement is bold and gives many of your people a sense of patriotism, I see no patriotism in it. Where is my life and liberty and how do you expect me to pursue happiness when I am treated with the same respect that you give your cattle? Additionally, if the government receives its power from the people why am I not heard? The Negroes are the most governed people in this nation, yet they have no say in how they are governed. This seems to contradict the entire basis of your great democratic system. I must assume then that we are not considered to be men in your eyes. I find this hard to believe as well. If you...

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