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foeign affairs

My personal view on this issue is that America should pay equal attention to both domestic and foreign affairs. You cannot just focus on one without the other because they intermingle into the same issue. For instance, America’s businesses have branched out all across the world and if those places of business are not ensured safety then both the economy of that particular country as well as our own is affected. Adding onto that, America is not a self-sufficient country. We have to import oil, food, and much of our merchandise. The days of when Americans worked in sweatshops is long gone, for we now usually rely on overpopulated and underdeveloped countries to do the dirty work. Internally, America has a very strange economic system. While some families own massive amounts of wealth, others barely make enough to get by. The rich get richer and the poor get poorer. Competitiveness and greed are actually useful tools in today’s America. The American life has now switched focus from being a good person to making money. People who do not consume or produce goods useful to society are viewed as threats to the way that Americans live. These morality issues of human liberties and rights are blatantly ignored because we’ve been raised to do so. Instead of the borguise making efforts to assist the poor, we are trained to think that they must be incompetent of doing anything, a drug addict, or somehow made the choice to be poor. This helps the borguise to turn their cheeks more easily and sleep more soundly. In terms of drugs, America has given the poor, inner city people, no choice but to contribute to drug trafficking and distribution. Do people actually believe that somebody can be content with a minimum wage job their whole lives? It’s not a matter of these people making the right decision, because they don’t have one. It seems as though the lower classes of people would rise above by working harder, but why sho...

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