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fidelity in movies

In today's society, fidelity is something that most people no longer pay mind to. It has become so common to lie or cheat in a relationship that it is not looked at as a loss of moral values for most of today's modern and more liberal society. It is rather unfortunate because I believe that the ability to maintain proper morals and values, or to instill them into those that are our future plays an important role in our lives today. In the Webster's Dictionary the noun, fidelity, is written to mean the quality or state of being faithful. This can be taken in a number of ways depending on the relationship two people may have. For example, the relationship between a parent and child, husband and wife, a friendship all carry a certain idea that one will be honest and faithful to the other and vice versa. Sometimes these feelings are also diverted. They may backfire and cause feelings of mistrust. Lying, cheating, abuse are all factors. There are other values of morality other than fidelity. Other values or ethics deal with morality or the basis of moral values. Whether or not one should steal, rape, kill are all part of instilling morals. Any parent that would teach a child that these things are good was not raised in a normal loving household. It is extremely easy to blame society with what goes on in the media. Unfortunately what these people refuse to believe is that not everyone is born bad. They are taught these things by the company they keep or by the situations they involve themselves in. In the play “Medea”, Medea faces the harsh reality of infidelity. Her husband Jason has left her for a princess. Medea, like any normal woman today would want revenge. The difference between them is that the normal woman would not commit the crime, while in fact Medea does. After what feels like an eternity of planning and vowing revenge she devises a plan to murder the woman who has stolen her husba...

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