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Many scientists today are all trying to prefect the studies of genetic engineering, also known as cloning. This has become one of the most popular studies of this decade. Scientist says that with genetic engineering the human race can live forever. For some people cloning could be the greatest experiment of all time, but also it could be the most dangerous and harmful experiment that was ever attempted. Why do we feel the need to clone humans, animals? Should we just let human live and die just like god intended or should we try to be immortal? As you read on you the reader decides if genetic engineering is the greatest experiment we ever attempted or should we band cloning forever.According to B. Julie Johnson genetic engineering is very dangerous and harmful to humans, and animals. Many animals have suffered from this procedure. It has produced monstrous, deformed, suffering animals. She believes such experiments are inhuman and dangerous. Johnson fears that genetic engineering will result in the devaluing of life because of genes, embryos, and ultimately people will all be thought of as commodities to be bought and sold. Johnson is an ecofeminist writer and activist. Genetic engineering is not only affecting humans and animals it also affects our food. In 1962 in silent Springs, Rachel Carson issued a warning about the agrichemical industry is wide spread, this means that by using these pesticide that are synthetic they are damaging our health, slowly making it easier for world hunger, By using these pesticides. Officials have recognized that not only is it a nutritional problem, our soil, and rivers are now contaminated with deadly poisons. Today a new generation of technocrats threatens to endanger our planets once again by trying to manipulate the deoxyribonucleic acid also known better as DNA. DNA is substance that encodes genetic information passed from one generation to the next. By using DNA scientist are able to cross plant...

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