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evolution of economics

A goal implicit in human evolution is survival; thus, humanity directs some of its energy toward creating a state of peace to achieve the necessary efficiency and conservation of energy to survive in a hostile and sometimes unpredictable The foundation of the emergence of rule systems in the world is built upon centuries of reasoned insight and personal experiences that reveal which actions are better than others, which are productive, and which are disruptive and As efficient actions reveal themselves to an evolvingsociety, its people develop the means to make productive choices between onetype of action and another. Some choices are decidedly better than others. Thisprioritizing of human actions into efficient hierarchies establishes thefoundations of rule systems which later refine themselves into moresophisticated systems of morals, manners and statutory laws. All these systemshave a tendency to address the fundamental need of the human species to surviveand avoid the common fate of extinction by conserving energy and directingsocial attention towards more productive kinds of behavior. It could be saidthat as civilization approaches the ideal of efficiency, the harmony thatfollows from efficient and thoughtful actions inspires a state of peace thatexponentially increases the chances of human civilization surviving over longperiods of time.Social change has more or less followed the more reasoned logic and experiencesof people. Change is not always perfect. However, as people experience more andlearn more about their world through formal education, they have more resourcesby which they can make judgments about the behavior of their fellow humans.Knowledge of the past lends to enlightened minds a knowledge of the future.Common education and experiences inspire the emergence of informal beliefsystems, clarifying what appears to be acceptable behavior and what is not.Observations that endure centuries of reasoned scrutiny integrate ul...

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