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Because our medical technology has improved so much, we are literally able to postpone death. People suffering from incurable diseases or injuries that would have died are being kept alive on machines. Because of this, people have argued for years over the legality of euthanasia. Some believe people should die with honor and not suffer. Others simply call it assisted suicide. Euthanasia should be an option for patients in extreme medical situations. The word "euthanasia" simply means an easy or painless death (eu meaning well, thanatos meaning death). Euthanasia was first started by the Greeks and has spread throughout the world (Koop 88). Although the act of euthanasia is quite simple, there are two different types: active and passive. Active euthanasia is when life is ended directly by administering a drug of lethal dose. Passive euthanasia is administered by the withdrawal of life-support devices, medications, and even fluids (Barnard 27). Active euthanasia is illegal and has been debated in the courts while passive is generally left up to the physician and the family.Many people argue against euthanasia saying that life should be preserved at all costs. Doctors, for example, take an oath to preserve life and ease pain. There are many cases when the doctor of a critically ill patient is requested by the family to stop the medical treatment and let the patient die. The doctor either refuses or delays the act prior to the miraculous recovery of the patient. This example is used frequently by people against euthanasia. It is extremely hard to decide without a doubt that a patient can not recover. If the doctor had acted on the request of the family, then it truly would be murder.There is also the case in which a terminally ill patient has not relayed his wishes and is incapable of doing so in his condition. It is impossible to make the judgment on what the patient really wants at this point. Is it justified for the...

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