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1Have Mercy For All, Lets Recognize EuthanasiaEuthanasia is one of the most controversial issues of our time. This diverse issue raises many questions such as: how should decisions be made, and by whom? What should be determined as a matter of law and what left a matter of discretion and judgment? Should those who want to die, or who are in a "persistent vegetative state", be allowed to die voluntarily? Who should decide: the patient, the physician ,the courts, or the families? The pro-euthanasia arguments turn on the individual case of the patient in pain, suffering at the center of an intolerable existence. When life becomes unbearable, quick death can be the answer. If living persons become so ill that they cannot tolerate the pain, they have a right to die to an escape from torment. So long as the right to die means not prolonging the life by undesirable treatment, it may be classified as rational suicide. The term "euthanasia" means "good health" or "well dying";it is derived from the Greek "eu" and "thanatos". In its classical sense, it is a descriptive term referring to an easy death as opposed to agonizing or tormented dying. The concern to die well is as old as humanity itself, for the questions surrounding death belong to the essence of being human. In the article Saying What We Mean, David McCurdy says, "We should reject a definition of euthanasia that ignores the differences between those motivated by compassion and beneficence and those who would deny life-sustaining treatment for reasons of financial and social expediency". This shows euthanasia is not preformed so someone can benefit financial, but it is used to end misery.Shanty Gray Pg. 2Some very prominent people are making packs with friends or relatives that specify that either will help the other die when life becomes desperate from pain or tragic accident. Families and physicians feel a variety of powerful emotions when dealing with a patient dying a slow and a...

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