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employment discrimination

Discrimination is a very hard barrier to break. To discriminate means to “distinguish between one another; to make a difference in treatment or favor on the basis other then individual merit.” Everyone at some point in their life experiences some form of discrimination that might be on the basis of their race, religion, age, or sex. Discrimination can be examined from many different angles. Because of this, I have decided to discuss one type of discrimination, which is employment discrimination. Throughout this paper I will attempt to answer several questions. Such questions are what is employment discrimination and whom does it effect? What could one do if find that they are a victim of discrimination? After answering these questions I will incorporate my own experience on this topic. Employment discrimination occurs when an employee or a group of employees are treated unfairly as compared to others because of their race, age, sex, religion, etc. Employment discrimination usually effects those who are considered the minority. If a company is found guilty of employment discrimination they can be find several hundreds of thousands of dollars. There are 2 forms of unfair treatment that one could experience in his/her workplace. The first form of treatment is done with intent. An example of this form of treatment would be if fellow employees or the employer makes up jokes or slurs about others, which would cause the other party to feel uncomfortable and unwanted in the workplace. The second form of unfair treatment is done a little different. This treatment is done in a sly and tricky way. For example, the employer would assign certain employees jobs that are out of the ordinary. These assignments that are seen as beneath a person’s job description. These people are used as scapegoats. Another example of this would be if the employer withheld an employee from achieving a promotion because of ...

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