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effects of alcohol

moderate use of alcohol are seen in two major ways. First is the every day drinker that uses alcohol on a regular basis to function. Second is the “binge” drinker this type of drinker may be able to sustain from alcohol for a period of time but once they have a drink they usually cannot control the amount of alcohol they consume. Both can have a tremendous effect on the life of the drinker causing loss of jobs, family and friend’s as well as health problems. Alcohol has both short term and long-term effects. The short-term effects of alcohol. The short-term psychological effect is to suppress the central nervous system. At low alcohol levels the person may have trouble walking or talking. Higher levels may cause a person to pass out or even die. The effects of alcohol vary from one person to the next; Weight, food, heredity and drinking habits are some of the reasons why the effects of alcohol may vary. The short term psychological effects can include happiness, loss of inhibitions, poor judgment, reduced concentration and can even impact a persons sex life. Long-term psychological effects of alcohol. These effects can be much more serious. Alcoholics in this stage seem to go through four different phases. Pre-alcoholic symptomatic phase. This stage is where the alcoholic starts out as a social drinker. Alcohol relieves tension so the drinker starts to drink more often. Prodromal phase. In this stage the drinker’s thoughts tend to be mostly about alcohol. They may try to hide their drinking and try to consume larger amounts in a shorter time period. This type of drinker tends to feel guilty and they also tend to have blackouts.Crucial phase. In this stage of drinking once the person has their first drink they may not be able to stop until they are over intoxicated. These binges may last for days.The final stage is the chronic stage. This is the stage where the alcoholic is drinking on a regul...

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