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education in the year 2005

Education in the year 2005.... Image a teenager going to sleep today and waking up in July of 2005. What kind of world would he or she find? Would it be a world of the future or a world of utter chaos? Some in society believe that the world will come to a disastrous end or be forever changed and sent into Others believe that past the year 2000 will beginan age of enlightenment. So, a question posed to society is what willeducation be in the year 2005? In a post apocolyptic world education would be the farthest from mostminds. However, some will see the need to preserve the history andeducate the young. So, parents will take it upon themselves to teachtheir children as much as they can. Perhaps luckier kids will be taughtat a community school in one person's home. The education at best willbe rudiamentary. The highest level of education will probably be nomore than an eighth grade reading and comprehension level. Computerskills will be lost due to the Y2K bugs effects on world wide computers.Those are the frightening possibilities of what the youth face ineducation in the year 2005.A more optimistic view of our education system is that the world willembrace the power of knowledge. In the year 2005, computer skills and aminor in computer sciences will be a prerequesite for almost all jobs.In order to prepare students for a computer driven world, it will fallupon the governments of the world to supply each student with his or herown computer. So, hopefully by the year 2005 the American educationsystem will have adjusted and each student will have a computer. In theyear 2005, the fourth grader will probably be studying at a sixth gradeif not higher level compared to today's youth. In addition, the writingskills of many pupils will be greatly improved compared to today's dueto the tougher state tests being administered. If society is lucky by2005 the education system will look hardly anything like today's. Theteacher will ...

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