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The legalization of drugs has been an issue in politics for a long time. Many people think that the legalization of drugs will give the government more control and there will be less crime on the streets. Another issue is that the government will be able to profit money off the drugs and be able to control prices and what age you will have to be to be able to buy the drug. On the issue of less crime on the streets I think that with the government controlling drugs there will be no drug dealers on the streets and no underage people using the drugs. This will lessen the crimes by minors and by students in our schools. People can also turn this issue around and compare the legalization to smoking and alcohol. Minors have found ways to buy beer and cigarettes so why wouldn’t they find ways to buy drugs that were legalized. With the government regulating the drug they can control how much is sold and how much can be consumed by the buyer. The second issue that I want to bring up is how the government could profit off the legalization of drugs. If the government legalized drugs then they could choose the prices of the drugs and how much they want to tax them. With the government doing this people would be paying higher prices than what they pay from a dealer now. This would cause people to not want to buy the drug. The money that the government makes off the taxing and the pricing of the drugs could go to health care or to lower the taxes that we are paying for today’s items. This would give Americans more money in their pockets to buy better things.In my opinion we will never see the legalization of drugs. The government thinks that the legalization of drugs will cause chaos in the United States and throughout the world. If you think about it, who made each drug illegal? When did we decide that marijuana should be and illegal drug. Who knows our ancestors could have smoked weed when this country was first formed. I t...

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