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There are many things that have occurred in my life that was questionable. Questionable in a way that doesn't make sense to why of if they even occurred. I often wonder what is the porpoise of my existence or that of anyone else's. A better question would be if I do even exist. There must be some thing out there that can explain everything, but I do not access to that something so I must try to form my own opinions. There is only one thing that I can be certain of, that one thing is that I am thinking being and I do exist somewhere. It is possible that I do not even have a body. It could be possible that I could just be a brain in a jar somewhere that thinks I am still alive. I could have been made to think I have this body and that I am actually here typing down my thoughts in this computer that could possibly not even exist. The reason I think that is because there is no way to prove that I am actually here on earth living among other beings. This could all be a dream or I could actually be in a comma thing that I am still a functional human. Another side could be that how can I prove that I don't exist. How can I deny that this is my body and I am at a real computer typing out me thoughts? How can I deny that I am a twenty-two year old man trying to finish out school and carry on the rest of my life the way I choose to? Although how can I prove that I am even awake at this moment and this is not a dream. However dreams have never been as clear as this reality, usually in a dream I do not have complete control of my actions as I do at this moment. How am I even sure that the things that I have learned through out my life are even true or have I been learning false information. How can I be certain that one plus one equals two, for all know the answer could be three or there could be no such things as numbers. Some higher power could be just running test on me to for their own information, I could be some kind of pe...

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