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The cornerstone of Critical Thinking, Real-World Problem Solving and Meaningful Learning is questioning. There are three levels of cognitive questions and student learning. The first and lowest, data input processing, or gathering and recall information. Sample key words and desired behaviors are complete, count, define, describe, identify, list, match, name, recall, observe, recite, and select. Next, we have intermediate, data processing, or processing information. Sample key words and desired behaviors are analyze, classify, compare, contrast, distinguish, explain, infer, make an analogy, organize, plan and synthesize. The highest form, data output, or applying and evaluating in new situations. Sample key words and desired behaviors are apply a principle, build a model, evaluate, extrapolate, forecast, generalize, hypothesize, imagine, judge, predict, and speculate. Developing your skill in using questioning requires attention to detail and practice.Cognitive questions should be planned, and thoughtfully worded and written into your lesson plan. You should always match questions with their purposes. You are well advised to use well-worded questions before you call on a student for a response. It is wise to give the student time, about two to nine seconds to answer. Sometimes teachers talk too much so it is also advisable to avoid this practice. A teacher needs to be able to call on all the students equally so no favoritism is shown.Absolutely don't allow the students to shout out the answer but rather have them raise their hands to give you the opportunity to call on more than just one student, to involve the whole class. This allows the quiet ones to be drawn into the learning experience also. Use strong praise sparingly. However, do use reinforcement for good behavior often to keep the motivation level consistent. Don't ask questions that you do not know the answer too. Above all, allow and encourage students to pa...

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