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The first computer was made of electronic tubes in 1944. Then in 1946 ENIAC, the first large-scale, general-purpose electronic computer was unveiled. ENIAC (which stands fro Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer) is crude by compared to todays systems, and did not even marked to dawn of the information age. And at that time people had no idea about the importance of the computers in the future. Through years computers were getting cheaper, smaller and more powerful and their influence grew bigger and bigger, so today we cant imagine life with out them. They have become an everyday par of our daily lives. Many people think that having a computer at home will help their children with their schoolwork or change what the do with the free time. Or perhaps they imagined that a computer could help them replace stacks of bills and receipts with a more manageable computerized system. . They have become a commonplace in many other areas. Think about when you go almost any store, to the mechanic, etc. Computers are also becoming commonplace in every home, and if used properly computers can become quite a useful item there.We are now in the information world where information about anyone in the world is on a computer somewhere. And by some the only thing easy about it is just the pointing and clicking. And sometimes the hardest thing to learn about computers would have to be the different languages; witch is unlike a spoken language such as English or Spanish. People get started with computer in different ways, sometimes it is because the person has to just to get a job, school, or even ideas for programs. But for whatever reason a person starts using a computer he/she needs help getting started. Getting started is not cheep that is if you want to be with the state of the arch technology. Anyone who owns a computer has shelled out over two thousand dollars on a machine that will be obsolete in two years and then will be w...

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