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Christopher Columbus

After gaining more knowledge about Christopher Columbus and his voyage to the New World, I believe that Christopher Columbus is a Villain. Although Christopher Columbus used his courage and great navigation skills to voyage to a place unknown to the western part of the world many native people suffered from his voyages to the west. In 1492 Columbus set out to find a shorter route to Asia by sailing west to get east. In his voyage he came upon the Caribbean Islands, and a Native American tribe called the Taino. When Christopher Columbus landed on the island of Hispaniola (now Haiti and the Dominican Republic) the Taino Indians were gentle and peaceful and traded with Columbus. Christopher Columbus took the Native Americans for granted he removed them from their home land and crammed as many of the Indians as he could on his ship to show Ferdinand and Isabella his finding. In Spain, these Indians were paraded naked through the streets of Spain and sold as slaves in 1495. This caused families to be separated chilgren from their parents husbands from their wives. Of the 550 Tanio Indians he captured only 350 survived. (Nash, Jeffery 18)Christopher Columbus had an Indian Policy; he put them to work to produce gold. This impossible demand resulted in fear, flight and retaliation. Many natives were captured and more died of hunger. This all was a result of the Atlantic Slave trade that would adjust the history of the world (RTAP, Andrien 7, Nash, Jeffery 18) Obviously not only did Christopher Columbuss voyages impact the Native Americans; it also impacted the environment. It is possible that the plants and animals that he brings with him have caused the extinction of more species of life forms in the last four hundred years than the usual processes of evolution might kill off in a million. (RTAP Andrien 8) The European man and their technologies caused this. (RTAP Andrien 8) Christopher Columbus brought his knives and guns to the ...

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