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Childhood and the Treatment of Children Children all over the world are treated differently at different times, during different centuries. Some children are raised by both of their parents in a good environment, with good conditions, and with a good education. Those kids are well taken care of and are happy if love is added to all that. The place that they live in becomes perfect. There are other kids, though, that have no loving parent, or no parents at all; no beautiful warm home, or no home at all; no healthy food, or no food at all and no good education, or no education at all. They have to work all day just to survive and get a little bit of something to eat. These children, unlike the other kids, are treated badly, abused and used. As time changes, people change: sometimes for the worst and sometimes for the better. Even now, children are mistreated in other countries and even here in America. Pip is left without parents to be raised by his sister. His sister, Mrs. Joe, is twenty years older than Pip. She is raising Pip by hand, meaning she lays her hand on him whenever possible, which is all the time. Pip is treated very badly, but at least he has a friend who would stand up to him; Joe is Mrs. Joe Gargerys husband. Joe wants Pip to have a good education even though he himself didnt have one, but Mrs. Joe, on the other hand, thinks its not a good idea and a waste of time. Pip does things like other kids do; he plays, eats, and goes to sleep. The food that he is given is healthy very tasteful, that it makes me want to eat it. His room, even though its very small because its right under the roof, is his own room, where he has privacy. The conditions that he lives in are ok to live in; theyre not the best, but not the worst either. How Pip lives, I would say, is that he has less than half of the good stuff, like the food and home and more of the bad stuff, like not really a loving sister and not a very good educatio...

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