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Television censorship should not be implied. In the Bill of Rights the first amendment states that we have the Freedom of religion, speech, press, assembly, and petition (Bill of Rights, 1971). If this country worked so hard in order to gain these rights and preserve them, why would it want to abolish them? The constitution and the United States of America gave people these rights and freedoms so a person should be able to use them as they please. If the law put a barrier on freedom of speech and press then the law might as well put a barrier on the whole first amendment. As some may say that the content being published or shown in the media is immoral and degrading. It must be taken in consideration others own rights of freedom of speech and press. This country must be fair and equal, where our system is based on justice and equality.Some parents protest the fact that HBO can show Mini-Porn at night or that the theme of much television shows that target young audiences involve too much sex and violence. Studies by George Gerbner, Ph.D, at the University of Pennsylvania show that television shows contain 20 violent acts each hour. Parents should pay more attention to what their children watch and read. For instance, parents can always shut off cable television and monitor the reading material kept at home, and always make sure it meets adequate moral standards. People opinions vary to ones own opinion. If Parents wanted to keep children away from sex and violence, everything from medically used informative videos to materials historically based would have to be banned.The television industry is a business with an over populated audience, which should not be held responsible for the morals that are shown. Like every business, their first priority is not to be a babysitter and teach their viewers morals, but to sell their business. It was researched that fifty-nine percent of those who watched an above average amount of violence on te...

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