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Americans place a great deal of importance on being thin. All of the models, television personalities, and athletes are extremely thin. Trendy clothing styles are all made to flatter the thin figure. These constant reminders say to the American youth that in order to be successful, you must be thin. As a result, 1 in 10 teenage girls struggle with an eating disorder. Bulimia, one type of eating disorder, which is harmful to your physical and mental health, is becoming very popular with todays young women.Bulimia, which means ox hunger is a binge-purge cycle of eating. The person feels an overwhelming need to eat enormous amounts of food in a very short period of time. After eating the person feels guilty and needs to rid herself of the food that was just consumed before it has a chance to digest. The typical pattern of a bulimic person is start off by eating foods like apple peels or corn. These foods are not easily digested. They are followed by mass quantities of junk food. Common binging foods are fast foods such as Mc Donalds , Taco Bell, Or Kentucky Fried Chicken. This is because these foods are quick and easy, and can be obtained through a drive through window. After eating the person vomits or uses laxatives to get rid of the food. When they see the apple peel or corn leave their bodies they know that food that they have eaten has been totally eliminated because is easily recognized and hardest to digest. A binge can vary between 1,000 to 11,000 calories. The food is consumed at a rate of approximately 166 calories per minute. The food is not chewed well. They take a quick bite and swallow it as fast as possible. This act gives the individual a feeling of euphoria or a high. Obtaining this amount of food can be very time consuming as well as expensive. Frequently binges are planned. The person may hide food in their rooms or drawers prior to the binge. Stealing money, selling jewelry or pro...

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