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black world

My perception of our world is that racism exists everywhere, even in the land of liberty, America. I am aware of the fact that there is racism against not only blacks, but also whites, Asians, along with people from all other ethnicities. I believe racism is deplorable in any form. Therefore I do my best not to be racist in any way.One of my earliest remembered experiences that have affected me with this was a black individual was in Kindergarten. During recess one day I was playing with friends and then I was called in for pushing a black girl into some mud, which I had not done. After a couple of my friends accounted for me during that recess period, the young girl finally confessed that it was her own fault for getting muddy. Her motive for getting someone else in trouble for it was she did not want her mom to be angry at her for getting her new clothes so dirty. This experience made me slightly racist towards blacks for a short period. This experience does not really relate back to democracy that much. My next major influence was my first grade teacher. I remember most of that school year was spent on Martin Luther King Jr. That was the first time I had learned about racism, and what had happened in the past to blacks, amongst others. That school year had a great impact on me and it has changed me ever since to treat all people fairly, no matter what color, sex, intelligence level, social class, etc. This experience has taught me the meaning of democracy, and how to practice it.My third major influence on my view of others was my friends sister and her racist point of view. Whenever I would be over at my friends house and we would listen to any type of hip-hop or rap music, she would always call us the N word. She would also accuse us of acting black and so-on just for listening to a certain type of music, wearing a certain style of clothes or whatever, she would always get her racist remarks heard. The funny thing...

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