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birth control

Condom1. Description2. How does it work?3. How effective?4. Where available?5. Advantages/disadvantages of use.6. Your opinionB. Diaphragm1. Description2. How does it work?3. How effective?4. Where available?5. Advantages/disadvantages of use.6. Your opinionC. Tubal Ligation1.Description2. How does it work?3. How effective?4. Where available?5. Advantages/disadvantages of use.6. Your opinionD. Vasectomy1. Description2. Where available?3. How effective?4. How does it work?5. Advantages/disadvantages of use.6. Your opinion The CondomA thin, stretchy sheath about two inches in diameter and six to eight inches long, designed to be worn over penis during sex. Condoms form a physical barrier between penis and the vagina. After ejaculation the tip of the condom holds the semen and prevents it from traveling to woman's reproductive system to fertilize the egg.Majority of condoms are made out of latex, a form of natural rubber. Condoms made of lamb intestines are often reffered to as skin or natural-membrane condoms. Lamb skin condoms are used less often due to the fact that it does not prevent transmission of STD's. Condoms come rolled up in individual packets. After the erection is complete the condom should be rolled down to the base of the penis while holding the tip of the condom. If the man is not circumcised, the foreskin should be pulled back to put the condom on. The penis should be withdrawn from the vagina immidiately after the ejaculation and the penis starts to soften. When withdrawing the penis the condom should be held by the bottom to prevent if from staying in the womans vagina. When withdrawn it should be taken off carefully, without spilling any semen. Condoms were designed to be used only once, then thrown away. If the couple want more sex new condom should be used. Used correctly, condoms are a very effective method of birth control. If latex condoms are used properly every time a couple had sex, the failure ra...

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