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ben franklin autobiography

Ben Franklin is one of the most dynamic figures in the history of America. As a philosopher, scientist, writer, inventor, diplomat, and more he had far reaching effects on America and the world both in his time and today. Franklin was one of the first people to recognize himself as "American" and distinguish the people of the new nation as something more than British colonists. As an American, Franklin sought to improve the country through the creation of institutions and the development of personal moral and financial success for its citizens. GENRE:Autobiography, Personal NarrativeIn the first part, Franklin is speaking to his son, describing the past. He talks about his childhood, family, upbringing, and general manner in business and life. In the second part, he is more conscious of the larger audience and there is a definite change in tone. He seems more pretentious as he discusses his quest for "moral perfection" through thirteen self-defined virtues, library system, religious views, and more. Franklin was influenced by Enlightenment thinking and writers such as Cotton Mather whose book Bonifacius: An Essay Upon the Good discusses coexistence between different groups and going out to good in society. In many ways, the autobiography work can be seen as the first self-help book. Franklin wants to be seen as a normal everyday kind of person who, through hard work, perseverance, and luck, brought himself up to a high level of personal achievement. This contrasts the styles of Mary Rowlandson and Frederick Douglass who prefer to lay out their experiences and allow the reader to react to the situation. There are some interesting postings addressing these issues: one by me on Franklin, one by Tony comparing Rowlandson, and two comparing Frederick Douglass, also by Tony and I.THEMES: 1.) Religious Pragmatism: Franklin develops his own morals based on what he feels will bring the most good to society as a whole - doing good to your fello...

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