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Just like there are no two snowflakes of the same kind. We are all very different. Every h person has different, albeitspecial, beliefs. And these beliefs should be what, over the years, shape our livesto what it is. We can all be very selfish. For to each and every one of us weare what is real and everyone else around us is fake. For us not to dosomething that we want or for us not to say something that we want to say istaking away from our life. Every time we take away from our life we take partof our special little contribution to this world away. Each one of us expectspeople to be real to them so why should we lie to others and not be real tothem and ourselves. I see life in this light because; I find it hard to believethat I have the same beliefs as the serial killer down the street. When he goeson television and says he killed all of those people because everyone was outto get him that is his belief. His mind may have somewhat altered theperceptions that his reality is based upon, but it was based upon thoseperceptions nonetheless. In my opinion, our perceptions of life changes as wegrow. When we are first born the trees and clouds outside are not part of our understanding,because we havent even seen them yet. And, when an Aunt and Uncle first cometo visit, they will just be two loving strangers. The nature of therelationship will not even matter until knowledge on the subject edges into themind. The transition from 6th to 7th grade was particularly hurtful to myreality. I wasnt the big guy in the school anymore. There were older peopleacting like I was when I was the King of the Hill, so to speak. When I got tomy senior year it took another course. All of a sudden, my classes werent soeasy anymore, and I wasnt able to breeze through them like before. Teacherswere preparing my fellow classmates and I for college, and they started gradinga little tougher, as college professors would. Then theres the media. I mean we voted anactor...

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