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beer more than what you think

Beer, what exactly is beer? To the layman, with a lack of sociologic thought, it is nothing more than a liquid refreshment. However beer goes so much further than fermented water barley and hops. It is ,I must admit, a thirst quenching mind altering beverage, but it is far more than that. In fact beer is to be also considered a language, and a state of being.Beer ,in the terms of Miriam Webster, is an alcoholic beverage typically made from cereal grain, flavored with hops and brewed by slow fermentation. Indeed I would believe this to be a truth. However to the less particular it is also, a cold one, suitable for weekend gatherings or after work refreshment. Nonetheless, to the more elite beer connoisseur it is an ale, or a lager, and in a somewhat more foreign culture it could be a pils, or even a hefeweissen. In any sense, beer is much more than what fills the glass so to speak.Beer could also be considered a language, it can say things like "I love you man", or even "this bud's for you." In actuality, is more than a language, it breaks the language barrier. For instance, beer has given the gift of speech to lizards, and frogs; although it didn't work for the ferret, nothing is perfect. As a barrier breaker for the animal world beer may have it's faults; however, in the realm of men it is the supreme linguistic helper. How many men would have spent nights alone had beer not given them the courage to approach a beautiful woman.Beer, causes a man's (or woman's) state of mind to change. It(beer) can make a seemingly intelligent person turn instantly stupid, likewise, beer can turn an idiot to an Einstein. In so much as it changes intelligence, it alters emotions. Thus a person with a heart of stone is transformed into a sobbing pile of mush (figuratively of course). It (quite honestly) is a magic elixir which, without prejudice, affects every person with the fortitude to partake.In closing, beer is many wonderful things, it allows...

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