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Autism, Multiple Personality Disorder and Socializing Where could anybody be without organizing their own thoughts(Slater 1)? Imagine living in a world where one could not communicate with anyone around them on a truly rational level, even though the individual is completely rational. Imagine feeling so frightened by life, that one escapes to an Alternate reality, where they become catatonic, or even take on forms of different personalities to deal with everyday situations. Try not being able to communicate through ones own words, only repeating what others have said in order to get along in life. This is what living with Autism is like. Autism, through the book definition is a complex developmental disabilitythat appears during the first three years of lifethe result of a neurological disorder that affects the brain.(ASOA 1). Autism is often accompanied by Multiple Personality Disorder, which helps the person escape to a world, or situation where they can feel, so called normal. Multiple Personality Disorder is curable, and Autism is treatable, so with counseling and socialization with others, patients can be functiong members of society. Both disorders have to be treated, and worked at which is a form of re-socialization. The autobiographical novel, Somebody Somewhere, by Donna Williams demonstrates the road to recovery by an autistic, with multiple personality disorder. Williams reveals her battle with day to day encounters with family, friends, colleges and aquantences, because she cannot communicate with them. Chris Slater, an 18 year old, recovering, socially functioning autistic explains autism as communication disorder. He feels that autistic people dont have the ability or the instinct to pick up on how to communicate with others(3). An escape from this is turning to alternate personalities, such as Williams did. Multiple personality Disorder, (MPD) was first recognized in the 1700s but was...

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