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All across America millions of people play football. Every time these people step on the playing fieldthere is a chance of injury. That chance of injury isgreatly increased if those players are on anartificial surface. Astro turf causes unnecessary andavoidable injuries to the competitors. Grass is thesurface that all football practices and games shouldtake place on. Grass greatly reduces the chance ofinjury and is preferred at all levels of the game. There are several professional football players thatwill testify against the turf. Most football playersin any level will detest turf. There has even beenstudies done by the National Football League PlayersAssociation about the negative consequences fromplaying on turf. Turf covered about half of all theprofessional and major college football fields a yearago. Grass, not astro turf, should be the playingsurface for all levels of the game. According to Southwest Recreational IndustriesIncorporated (SRI), the new and most used kind of turfis Astro Turf System 12. Astro Turf is the number onesupplier of artificial turf. Turf is thousands oflittle nylon strips knitted together to make a carpet. A thin layer of rubber is laid over asphalt and thecarpet is put over that layer of rubber. Astro Turfclaims that their new System 12 is more playerfriendly(SRI, Astro Turf). They also state a coupleadvantages associated with their new turf is that ithas high impact shock absorbency and lowabrasiveness. Ed Barnes of Time magazine, after manyinterviews with professional football players, statedthat skin shreds from its abrasiveness; heads hurtfrom its hardness(Barnes, There is hardlyenough cushion there to take the impact a 300 poundlineman driving another player into the ground. Inthe players eyes this new turf does not do what itclaims it should. Although players should not beafraid just because turf causes turf burns and gives aslight headache after contact with it, ...

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