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as far as an imagination will go

Contentment is a goal that all people seek. When we apply contentment to Americans, it becomes the American Dream. Some individuals seem to know exactly what their goals are beginning in elementary school, spending the rest of their lives working and achieving those goals. Other individuals drift through life, and if they are lucky, they may stumble upon what they need to satisfy their contentment. Still others will continue stumbling throughout life and will never find themselves content. As I look towards my future, I am unsure as to what exactly will make me a content person. This is not to say that I dont have goals or aspirations, though. I believe my problem is that there is too much that I wish to do with my life, but Im unwilling to give up any of my dreams because Im simply pressed for time. Ill just have to work harder, faster, and more efficiently. Contentment as a whole will not come for me when I have reached one set goal, rather it will come in small pieces as each of my goals are accomplished and checked off my list. With contentment will come my own personal definition of success. To me, success is not measured in property, wealth, or possessions; it is measured in accomplishments, and how much we as individuals have managed to do in our relatively short lives. Goals are just one part of contentment, though. Achievements can certainly occupy a person fully, but what also must be seen is that there is an emotional aspect to being content as well. A desire for stronger relationships, such as Lester had in American Beauty, or a need to supply safety for loved ones, such as T.S. Garp in The World According To Garp can sometimes occupy a persons thoughts and actions much more so than any physical achievement. Being only eighteen puts somewhat of a restraint on my emotional desires for my future. I just dont feel that Ive been around long enough to truly figure out what I exactly want 10-20-30 years down the ...

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