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In the Last Days of Socrates the dialogue Crito recounts Socrates last days before his execution. Socrates had been accused of corrupting the youth and not worshipping the Gods of the state. During his trial he denied all accusations and attempted to defend himself by proving his innocence using reason . He was judged to be guilty and given a death sentence. His long time friend Crito proposes to Socrates a plan to escape from his death sentence in prison. Crito and Socrates argue the issue of escape with Socrates deciding on accepting hissentence. I feel that in light of his beliefs Socrates was ethically correct in refusing to escape from prison. It was important to Socrates that he have good reasons not only to motivate but also to justify his actions. Socrates was concerned that his actions not only be good, but be justand noble as well. He accepts that the verdict must be carried out, even if it was not reachedcorrectly because by accepting the laws of Athens he has obligated himself to accept theverdict even if it is unjust. Crito argued in favor of escape. He is concerned with the reputations of bothSocrates and his associates. Crito also feel life in itself is of absolute value. He uses thesepoints in favor of his argument: Escape was easy to manage and would not put his friends indanger. If he refused Socrates friends reputations would be tarnished for not aiding theirfriend . To refuse would be a shameful display of cowardice. Socrates would be neglecting hisduties to his wife and children. Escape would allow Socrates to continue to philosophizeelsewhere. Socrates does not agree with these points, rather he rejects the proposal because toescape is neither just nor is it good for him. It is not to his benefit to escape, because tocommit a wrong action would not be living well. Socrates tries to use reason rather thanemotion and the opinions and values of others to determine whether an action is rig...

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