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american beauty

Have you ever seen a movie that just simply amazed you and almost disgusted you in a way. Well over this weekend my family and I decided to rent the movie American Beauty. This movie recently has won many awards for performances in acting and best role play. But that is not the reason we choose to watch American Beauty. We choose to rent this movie pending on the fact for me to write my final psychology paper on it. American Beauty struck me in very different ways some including feelings of disgust, truth and reality, but mainly it was filled with many social psychology terms. If you asked to pick a different movie to show and demonstrate the examples of certain psychology terms I dont think I would have selected a better one. Some of the examples that I have decided to inform you about are ones such as love, discrimination, and social perception. But you will here plenty more about all the psychology factors and how this movie relates, also I provided other references such as the Internet and the dictionary. Well to begin she was very high in neuroticism, is a personal trait meaning an emotionally unstable person that people either learns from watching and observing from other people and is portrayed in the movie American Beauty. Lesters wife is neurotic for a few reasons and the movie really shows a good example. She is so devoted to becoming successful that she dose not realize what is going on around her and starts to become distant. And when she dose not succeed she start to cry and beat herself up over it. Making her emotionally unstable.Her Attitude(a negative or hostile state of mind b : a cocky or arrogant manner ) towards Lester is also very negative. There are a few seen in the movie which prove my argument. For one instance when they are all leaving in the morning and Lester drops his briefcase in front of her she says that he cant possibly make her any later and that he is a loser because of it. Another scene is when...

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