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For years abortion has been an extremely controversial issue that has lead to bomb Pro-life activists strongly feel that abortion is murder and, by no means,A choice for pregnant women. Although abortion may seem like murder to many pro-lifeActivists, it is a mothers right to choose and essentially a solution to future problems.Abortion is such a biased and difficult topic because it deals with a human life.Scientists have said that a fetus may not be considered a human life and, therefore, it is allRight to abort the unborn entity. Pro-life activists feel that people have taken it uponThemselves to handle matters that are not peoples place to deal with. Many feel that onlyGod has the right to choose who lives and dies. Another argument is that an unborn childshould not lose its opportunity on life because of its mothers irresponsible actions. If ayoung girl gets pregnant and she is not ready to handle a child then she should have takenprior precautions instead of putting herself at risk of getting pregnant.At times horrible situations occur that require serious measures to be taken andabortion may be necessary for some people. For example, if a woman is raped andbecomes pregnant, it would be extremely difficult for any mother to raise a child properly that was born from them being raped. If there are financial situations that occur that will make it difficult for a woman to care for a baby properly, she should have the choice to abort the baby. Pro-choice activists argue that if a woman knows she will not be able to go through a childhood of inadequacy and pain. Not only would the woman be ruining the life of the baby but also he own. It is not very easy for a person to say whether they are pro-life or pro-choice until they are faced with the decision to abort or not themselves.A serious problem that should be addressed is women using abortion as a method of birth control; sometimes women go to clinics 2-3 times a month to have abor...

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